Hey folks, the Mindspan Labs Blog has moved to ChessMate.com:
Please browse-by and check out my occasional blog posts about ZoxSo, the Thinket, ChessHeads, Parchers, Sizzletoad!, ChessMate Pocket & Travel Chess Sets, and whatever else happens to drift into and past my thoughts from time-to-time!
Also, if you'd like to check out my Kickstarter project for "The Thinket" (now successfully funded), you can peruse the project page, view the video, and follow the updates during the ongoing fulfillment phase at:
And remember, the 2013 ZoxSo Open World Championship Tournament is being held at GenCon Indy for the first time ever this year. Check it out at: http://chessmate.com/blog/blog2.php
For now I will leave you with these pictures of the World Championship Medallions that are to be awarded to the 1st-Place and 2nd-Place finishers at the tournament (along with other fabulous prizes):
Ciao for now!
-- Best, deMarcus .... {:-)]